Trench capacitors based on semiconductor pn junction capacitance 利用半导体pn结结电容构成的沟道式电容器
If the tunnel junction capacitance becomes larger, the amplitude of the I-V curve of single-electron transistor becomes smaller, but the period is unchanged. 同时,单电子三极管I-V曲线的振幅随着隧道结电容的增大而减小,但I-V曲线的周期保持不变。
The experimental results showed that the light current Ip, current amplification factor β and response time to photo-devices were all decreased while dark current Id increased and junction capacitance C unchanged basically. 结果表明,γ辐照使光敏器件的光电流Ip、电流放大倍数β和光电响应时间t减小,暗电流Id增加,结电容C基本不变。
The emitter-base junction capacitance of the FFJ is only decided by it's emitter doping profiles, so that both smaller base resistance rb and higher emitter cutoff frequency can simultaneously be obtained. 由于FFJ的发射极-基极结电容仅仅取决于它的发射极掺杂情况,因此,可以同时得到较小的基极电阻rb和较高的发射极截止频率f(TE)。
Based on the consideration of carrier transit of the SiGe HBT, the B-E junction capacitance model related to carrier distribution and the B-C junction capacitance model under different current densities are established and analysed. 在SiGeHBT载流子输运基础上,建立了考虑发射势垒区载流子分布的势垒电容模型和不同电流密度下的集电结势垒电容模型。
In the third method the parameters of a varactor diode are determined by the measurements of the input impedance only at negative biases and the junction capacitance at low frequency; 第三种方法是测量二极管在各负偏压点下的输入阻抗与低频结电容C(V)来求得二极管的结参数;
This method can not only accurately measure the values of series resistance, junction capacitance, junction voltage, and ideality factor at various forward biases, but also detect and measure an interfacial layer in a real diode. 利用该方法,不仅可以得到二极管在不同电压下的串联电阻、结电容、结电压、理想化因子等值,还能判断一个实际的二极管有无界面层存在并得到其界面层阻抗值。
In the neutron radiation environment there occurs the change in C-V characteristics of the Tar-actor diodes. At the given bias the junction capacitance decreases with increase of neutron fluence. 在中子辐照环境下,变容二极管C&V特性发生变化,在给定偏置下,结电容随中子注量的增加而下降。
How to Identify the Biased Collector Junction with the Transistor Saturated EFFECTS OF THE BASE-TO-COLLECTOR JUNCTION CAPACITANCE OF A TRANSISTOR ON AMPLIFYING CIRCUITS 晶体管集电结电容对放大电路的影响
Under reverse bias if frequency of small AC signal exceeds some value, the junction capacitance of Au-Si surface barrier detector will decrease. 在反向偏压下,测试时所用的高频小信号频率超过一定值后,GM型探测器结电容测试值将下降。本文讨论了频率对CV特性影响的实验结果,并分析了其原因。
In this paper the effect of junction capacitance, spontaneous recombination, DC-bias and injected pulse current on time delay 'of turn-on of injection lasers modulated by pulse currents is analysed comprehensively. 本文综合地分析了结电容、自发复合、直流偏置和脉冲注入电流对注入式激光器脉冲调制分布反转延迟的影响。
We also studied the junction conductance-voltage characteristics as well as the influence of junction conductance on the junction capacitance measurements. 本文中还探讨了结电导&电压特性以及结电导对结电容测量的影响。
This switch not only helps the main switches achieve ZVS, furthermore, it eliminates the oscillation between the transformer leakage inductance and the junction capacitance of two switches. 辅助开关管为主开关管实现ZVS创造了条件,同时辅助开关管在主开关管关闭期间实现ZCS导通,大大减轻了变压器漏感和主开关管结电容之间的振荡。
Measurements of p-n junction capacitance in polycrystalline CDs solar cell and its application 多晶CdS太阳电池p-n结电容的测量及应用
Silicon-on-insulator ( SOI) device has the advantages of small junction capacitance, good resisting-radiation property, superior subthreshold characteristics, eliminating the latchup effects, suitable to low-voltage low-power operation, etc. 绝缘体上硅器件(SOI)具有结电容小、抗辐射性能好、优良的亚阈区特性、消除了闩锁效应、适于低压低功耗工作等优点,而被称为二十一世纪的硅集成电路技术。
The model describes the relationship between photocurrent and incident optical power, and it also illustrates the impact of the reverse bias to the variation of the junction capacitance. 此模型描述了注入光功率与光生电流的关系,以及反偏电压对光生电流与结电容的影响。
Junction capacitance in the SiGe HBT based on movable charge 基于可动电荷的SiGeHBT势垒电容
Test and Data Processing of Emitter Junction Barrier Capacitance C Te of Transistor 晶体管发射极势垒电容C(Te)的测试及数据处理
The electric performance of the single-electron devices under the influence of such structural parameters as the tunnel junction capacitance and resistance, and the working parameters such as magnitude of voltage pulse and temperature have bene investigated. 详细考察了隧道结电阻、电容以及器件结构布局等结构参数和电源电压、温度等工作参数对单电子器件电学性能的影响。
Our research results show that the CCB is related not only to the junction capacitance, but also to the inductance and resistance. 研究结果表明:介观耗散电容耦合电路的库仑阻塞条件不仅与电路中的电容和电感有关,而且与耗散电阻有关;
Determination of Impurity Distribution in Silicon Epitaxial Layers by Schottky Junction Capacitance Measurements 采用肖特基二极管测量外延层杂质分布
The dependence of series resistance, ideality factor, junction voltage, and capacitance on the applied voltage or current of laser diodes ( LDs) is determined by examining forward AC behavior together with I-V characteristics. 采用正向交流特性结合I-V特性的方法,检测了激光二极管的串联电阻、理想因子、结电压和结电容与外加电压或电流的关系。
Effect of Junction Capacitance and Spontaneous Recombination on Time Delay of Turn-on of Injection Lasers Modulated by pulse Currents 结电容和自发复合对注入式激光器脉冲调制延迟的影响
The analysis shows that the deep level impurities in the semiconductors have the obvious influence on the junction capacitance at low frequencies. 分析表明,半导体中的深能级杂质在低频下对结电容有显著影响。
The experimental results, for the first time, demonstrate that the junction voltage saturation occurs after the junction voltage, series resistance, ideality factor, and junction capacitance simultaneously show step offsets near the threshold. 首次发现,激光二极管的结电压、串联电阻、理想因子和结电容在阈值附近同时出现了明显的阶跃,之后结电压呈现饱和。
Some critical parameters of these new structure photodetectors, such as dark current, responsivity, and junction capacitance, are measured and analyzed. 利用半导体测试仪对芯片进行了测试,包括探测器的暗电流、响应度和结电容,并分析了深n阱、浅沟槽隔离等工艺步骤对探测器参数的影响。
We found the junction capacitance increased significantly as the frequency decreased and the anomalous peak arose. 发现结电容随频率的降低而明显增大,并伴有反常的尖峰出现。
When the signal is High-frequency, the effects of junction capacitance must be considered, and the circuit equations are listed to solve the problem. At this time, the transistor can also be treated as a linear device. 高频时,必须考虑结电容的影响,列出电路方程进行求解,这时三极管还可以看成是一个线性器件。
The limits which is used to distinct High-frequency or low frequency is described too. in the main are not to want to consider the problem of junction capacitance. 高频与低频的区别和界限也有叙述,主要是要不要考虑结电容的问题。
The TVS chips whose breakdown voltage is higher than the ignition voltage, which has larger junction capacitance and smaller parasitic resistance, should be selected to protect SCB device from electromagnetic. 选择TVS芯片对SCB火工品进行电磁防护时,在满足击穿电压高于发火电压的情况下,应尽量选择结电容较大、寄生电阻较小的芯片。